Relationship Counselling Swiss Cottage, South Hampstead

Perhaps you find yourselves arguing more than you used to do or perhaps you seem to be having the same argument again and again, with no sign of lasting resolution. Maybe it feels like you just cannot communicate any longer, that you are not being heard. Does it feel like you are speaking different languages?

There may have been a change or event in your lives: a first child or a new baby, or a longed for baby that doesn’t arrive; grown up children leaving home; an affair; sexual problems; a bereavement; new patterns of working or unemployment or retirement. You may be a couple with step-families or managing shared or lone parenting. Or perhaps you are facing financial difficulties, addictions – alcohol, drugs, the internet - or problems arising from the use of social media.

‘We never thought this would happen to us’

All of these affect a couple relationship in unforeseen ways and sometimes the problems can feel impossible to manage between you. It can be bewildering and frightening when our most important, intimate relationship changes or seems to go wrong, especially if previously it has seemed stable and reliable, perhaps even been taken for granted.

With a specialised training in couple work I can help you to come to an improved understanding of what is going on between you. Such an understanding makes it possible to think more creatively about how to move forward. With individual clients I can help you to explore your concerns with a particular focus on relationship issues.

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